The following images are political style cartoons about nationalism, fascism, and communism. They are drawn in the pedantic and high-contrast style of propaganda images from the Soviet Union. The rigid use of geometry and symmetry is intentional to communicate the oppression these regimes stand for.

Shell Oil monopoly

So called Land of the Free (homage to Germania)

God Bless America

God Bless Nationalism

Communism (homage to “Sleeping Peasants” by Jean-François Millet)

Sarcastic homage to McCarthyism

Fascist corporate cabal

The last proletariat on the Ford assembly line

Chairman Mao drinks Coca-Cola

Long live capitalism

Conspiracy theories and the JFK assassination on TV

Bullying hurts

McDonald’s Fast Food Slaughter Machine
This image is inspired by H.G. Wells’ 1895 book The Time Machine. H.G. Wells describes two worlds. The world above is a peaceful garden and amusement park full of naïve residents. Monsters live in the dark world below of tunnels, machines, and the equipment that sustains the aboveground garden. In my rendition of H.G. Wells’ story monsters emerge at night with their nasty machines to harvest people for “USDA approved grade A” burger patties.
A Goliath made of corporate logos fights a tiny David dressed as Uncle Sam.